After three years of trying to visit Assisi, Italy, six of us from Forest Hills make the trek to visit the Francini family and their church Chiesa Cristiana Biblica Assisi. It was such a blessing to witness the growing and thriving church and the love that the Francini family have for their people. We were able to serve with our Italian brothers and sisters as they did an outreach at a park by the lake. We were also able to do a Bible conference at the church over the weekend entitled “Life on Mission.” As Chad was able to show how God has been working throughout the globe historically and right now, it became apparent to our Italian friends that they were not alone in their walk with Christ. As they often feel alone in a predominantly Catholic culture, to see pictures of other believers around the globe made the world feel smaller to them in a healthy way. The men and women did separate breakout sessions. As ladies we talked about how to engage our neighbors for the gospel. As cultural practices such as baking cookies for new neighbors came as a shock to our Italian sisters when they broke into small groups to come up with their own ideas about what would work in Italian culture many ideas arose. Overall, our Italian sisters felt that neighbors were closed off to open conversations with them so join me in praying with them as they pray for that one person who is close to them but far from God. As the ladies were able to see from the main sessions God is working and moving in the world we can pray for that one person who he may already been working in their heart and ask to join him in that work. Maybe it will mean taking that person a plate of biscotti (cookies). Overall our amazing team was able to encourage this church with our care and presence and the pastor communicated how God used that to help them feel seen and loved in a very difficult culture from ours. Join me in praying for our brothers and sisters in Assisi and for the continual growth and health of Chiesa Cristiana Biblica Assisi
Saluti dall’italia (Greetings from Italy)
Courtney Mize