“I am the Lord; that is my name;
My glory I give to no other…”
Isaiah 42:8
Thousands of people have descended to Wilmore, Kentucky onto the campus of Asbury University in the last several weeks. Some come to spectate, but most come to taste and see what the Lord is doing amongst the college students there. Spending Saturday, February 18, on the campus was an experience I will not soon forget. The day that we were there there were several satellite services opened on campus as well as several churches in the area. The service going on inside Hughes Memorial Chapel was being projected on the front lawn as well. While my family waited in line to enter Hughes Chapel, the Holy Spirit could be felt on the lawn just like he was moving inside the chapel. At one point I looked at my kids and said, “guys we have already entered.” Although the structure of the day was minimal, college and high school students were prioritized in getting into the chapel. It was very evident that this movement of the spirit was started by the students and would continue to go forth to the world through students. We older generations were able to see, witness, and pray for those students. Songs were sung, testimonies were given, and lives were changed. On Saturday there was a large portion of people from Brazil on campus, I am not sure if that was planned or just happened but several songs were sung in Portuguese and as a result it became evident this movement was going out to the nations. After several hours of line waiting and worshiping on the lawn, my family made it inside Hugh Memorial Chapel and sat in the balcony. I was struck by humility. The worship leader was singing on her knees off to the left side of the stage almost behind the piano. It was clear it was not able people, this was about what God was doing. I looked out to see 1,500 people worshiping in the chapel, after leaving thousands worshiping on the lawn and knowing there are thousands around town in various venues and that’s when God pressed on my heart.
Indeed, in Romans the Lord says, “every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God” (Romans 14:11). Thousands had descended on this small town to experience his presence manifesting for the sole reason of bringing glory to himself.
As we came back home to our church family the following day. The Lord's presence showed up in our service in a way I have never experienced in the local church. One of my children said, “Mom it feels the same way today as it did yesterday.” Spontaneous baptisms, freedom in worship, and prayer were three things that characterized the last service of that day. May it be said of Forest Hills as it was as Asbury, “come and see what God has done, he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man” (Psalm 66:5).
As I am processing this past weekend, I am left thinking about a few things.
I am in the older generation now, what can I do to help this younger generation? How can I help them continue to take this to the nations?
I want him to “create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me” Psalm 51:10. If God will do something, it will be about him not about me. Let us “get out of the way” of what he is doing?
Prayer brings forth revival. That is all.