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Courtney Mize

Are You Forgetful?

Sometimes it hits me like a ton of bricks…God’s word lands hard on my heart and mind and I am learning to write it down when it does. 


I am doing a Bible study with some of my neighbors; we are going through Elizabeth Woodson’s From Beginning to Forever. In a very short 8-week study over the entire Bible, it has taken a week and a half to make it past Genesis into Exodus. There is so much foundational history in these two books that it is so important not to overlook them, even in a broad study. 


God gives the Israelites an important reminder in Exodus 20:2, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” He reminds the Israelites who He is and what He has brought them out of because they tend to forget.


Do you know who else tends to forget?!  




We forget the creator God, the sustainer God, is our God. Not only that, He rescued us as believers from a foreign land, one with many idols, a land of captivity and bondage. He rescued us from this world that gives promises that it can not keep. He rescued us from that, because he is the Lord OUR God. He exchanged our temporary world for an eternal home. A home full of promises always kept and fulfilled in His time, His forever, eternal time.


Questions to Ponder: What has God rescued you from? What held you captive in your foreign land before you knew the Lord?  


Prayer Prompt:

Thank Him for his rescue and reminder that in your life today. Thank him for making Himself known to you while you were in that foreign land and thank him for his gift of an eternal home. 


For further reading check out,

Isaiah 61

1 Peter 2:9


If you are reading this and do not have the assurance of that eternal home or are not sure what I am talking about feel free to email me at I would love to grab coffee and have a further conversation with you.

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