Hi my name is Courtney, and I have a habit of laughing in terrible situations. Whether it be on a Zoom call staring at the faces of 15 of my friends at once, watching a cop write me a speeding ticket, or sitting in a funeral home, I have been known to get the giggles (I know, I KNOW). These are not great places for laughing uncontrollably, but laughter is often my coping mechanism in times when I either feel uncomfortable or feel unsure of what happens next.
I’ve also experienced a season of life where laughter was hard. Where a good hearted laugh ended in pain and tears that were a far cry from the "laughter is the best medicine" mantra. A season where the easiest thing to do was keep myself from being around the people who brought laughter into my life for my own self-preservation. That’s not a great place to be either.
I came across Proverbs 31:25 again recently, and I found myself laughing along with the woman in the verse. It wasn't an uncomfortable laugh I had to disguise as a cough or an itch on my nose I just must keep my hand up to scratch. It wasn't a laugh that ended in pain-filled tears. It wasn't a laugh based on self-preservation. It was a laugh that flowed out of a heart being reminded that the presence of God would be with me in every stage of life.
“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.”
Proverbs 31:25
She laughs at the time to come.
She rejoices without fear of the future.
I don’t know about you but I’d like to be this woman more often than I am. I want to walk through life as the one who rejoices without fear of the future because she knows she can trust the Lord.
No one knows what our future will look like, and right now no one can even take a good guess. But guess what, y'all. God knows.
He has laid every day before us already. He knows what every single one of our tomorrow’s look like. And if that doesn’t at least bring a smile to your face we have got some work to do, sister.
God. The God of all creation. The God who formed the seas and the skies and every beautiful piece of you inside and out. The God who not only created you but who calls you, better yet the God who calls you by your name. The God who works all things for the good of those called for his purposes. Our God. He knows what your future holds.
He knows the women you haven't yet mentored or the women you haven't yet learned from.
He knows the spouse you haven’t yet married or the children you haven't yet held.
He knows the grandchildren or the great-grands you haven't yet spoiled.
He knows the spouse of your child you haven't yet walked down the aisle.
He knows the career you haven’t yet built or the retirement you haven't yet embraced.
He knows the successes you haven't yet celebrated and the failures you haven’t yet walked through.
He knows the heartbreak you haven’t yet grieved and the happiness you haven't yet known.
He knows the life you haven't yet lived and the heaven you haven't yet seen.
He knows the answer to every prayer you haven't yet heard.
He knows, and we can trust in His perfect knowledge and wisdom.
As David said in Psalm 31:15- “My times are in Your hand.”
I don’t know what life stage you’re in right now or what life situation you’re currently facing, but I know the God who holds your times in His hand.
Take heart and rejoice. Laugh without fear of the future, for He is capable of carrying you through the rough just as He is careful to call you to the rest. In His time.
Courtney Watson