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Courtney Watson – Giving - Time, Talent, Treasure

In February, I listened to a woman speak about the three ways we can invest in our relationship with God, and by extension our relationship with our church. She talked about how we often focus on giving financially, but giving can mean more than money. 

We can give our time, our talent, or our treasure. 

1 Corinthians 9:7 tells us this:

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

First of all we must make a decision. What do we have to offer the kingdom of God? 

Think about your situation. 

Are you in a season of financial gain, where giving treasure is possible?

Are you working on a slim budget but have ample time to volunteer for an upcoming event or service opportunity?

Are you a businesswoman, teacher, or empty nester that has valuable experience leading, teaching, or nurturing that would benefit an area of the church? 

Look at what you have to offer, and then answer this question: how much? How much am I willing to give?

Maybe you are willing to lead a bible study for a season or to serve on a team for a year or commit to attending every major women’s event in the next year.

Maybe you are willing to give financially in addition to your current commitment- maybe earmarking funds for missions or building projects rather than general funds.

Maybe you are willing to put your mothering skills to use in children’s ministry or your tech savvy skills to use in carrying out the Sunday services or your financial acumen to assist with budget processes for a specific church ministry.

At the end of the day, we as disciples of Jesus and daughters of the King know that just as we are called to feast with the Lord at his table, we are called to work in his fields.

 In other words: we are filled with abundant joy which overflows in rich generosity (2 Corinthians 8:2) and we are filled with joy and peace because we trust him and so we overflow with confident hope (Romans 15:13).

As we are filled, may we pour out our time, our talent, and our treasure.

Courtney Watson

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