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Courtney Mize

Pamela Hall – March 30, 2020

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

It’s amazing to me how quickly life changes. Just a few weeks ago my commute to the church office was between 25-35 minutes depending on the time of the day. Two weeks ago, it was about 20 minutes and last Tuesday, it was about 20 steps from my bedroom to my home office. My work attire has changed to mostly of sweats or pjs. I actually wore jeans yesterday just to mix it up a bit. Maybe on Wednesday night, I’ll make dinner and wear a dress. Okay, that’s not going to happen, but it’s a fun idea.

The coronavirus can be frightening as we come to grips with the fact that we are dealing with something we can’t see and are unsure how to fight. Even when we follow the safer at home guidelines, we still question if we and our loved ones are safe. For some the coronavirus is life-threating and for others it is a headache, a hardship, but mainly it is an inconvenience. Yet, being virus-free doesn’t keep it from being problematic or held at bay. It has taken over my life in lots of ways. Most of my interaction is now with Jaxi and Shiloh, two boy cats. Need I say more? On day of three of being at home, that wasn’t a big issue, but will I feel that way on day 14?

Initially the virus’ impact had to do with toilet paper because I wasn’t one of the lucky ones who got to hoard all the Charmin. You’ll never know how relieved I was when I walked into my local Walmart and saw Angel Soft. I promise you it was a heavenly moment as I grabbed the pack of 9 rolls and sauntered down the aisle singing the Shiney Hiney song. It didn’t matter what brand I was carrying. Nine rolls of TP resulted in a little peace and gave me confidence that I would live to fight another day.

If only that were the real struggle. It’s not. Like me, has this virus made you aware of attitudes that you have been ignoring? Are things like irritation, frustration, and impatience making a daily appearance? Are you being forced to wrestle with the fact that the people and the situations you normally blame for your problems are only part of the story? The bigger issue is your own heart and mind. Do you find yourself praying for relief from the negativity? If so, welcome to the club. You’re not alone.

So, let’s help each other through this. What are the things you’re doing to help combat negative feelings? Please share because we are all in this together.

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